Swap Cauliflower Into any Smoothie

Make it lighter – Add cauliflower to your smoothie!

For those looking for a lighter option, Juice Press has added cauliflower to our smoothie bar! Swapping in cauliflower for banana in any Juice Press smoothie lowers the sugar and carbs, while still delivering the same deliciously thick smoothie. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT WE WILL MAKE IT AGAIN. PERIOD. 

Adding cauliflower to your smoothie is also a great way to incorporate more fiber-packed and vitamin-rich veggies in your diet. Cauliflower is considered one of the healthiest foods on earth and is a member of the cruciferous family (alongside other fan-favorite veggies including broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, etc.).

Benefits of Cauliflower:

    • Anti-inflammatory properties

    • Great source of antioxidants

    • Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals (esp. Vitamin C & K)

    • Improves digestion & detoxification


We recommend trying cauliflower in our Vanilla Protein and Heaven on Earth smoothies! Our new MINT CHIP PROTEIN smoothie already features cauliflower.


How do Cauliflower and Banana compare?

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Nutrition, TipsRachel Weber